Reinforcement learning


Reinforcement Learning is the sub-field of AI that deals with how an software agent learns optimal decisions from data and by exploration. Our focus is on algorithm development and theory for advancing reinforcement learning to healthcare and social science. In particular, we focus on:

  1. Constrained exploration, e.g., in terms of fairness, safety
  2. Reinforcement learning from logged data and off-policy methods
  3. Economic and resource efficient reinforcement learning.

Latest publications

  • Intelligent Processing of Data Streams on the Edge Using Reinforcement Learning
    Vaishnav, Shubham, and Magnússon, Sindri
    In IEEE ICC 2023 Workshop on Scalable and Trustworthy AI for 6G Wireless Networks (6GSTRAIN), 2023
    Comparing NARS and Reinforcement Learning: An Analysis of ONA and Q-Learning Algorithms
    Beikmohammadi, Ali, and Magnússon, Sindri
    In International Conference on Artificial General Intelligence, 2023
    Explaining Black Box Reinforcement Learning Agents Through Counterfactual Policies
    Movin, Maria, Junior, Guilherme Dinis, Hollmén, Jaakko, and Papapetrou, Panagiotis
    In Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XXI: 21st International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2023, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 12–14, 2023, Proceedings, 2023
    Policy Evaluation with Delayed, Aggregated Anonymous Feedback
    Dinis Jr, Guilherme, Magnússon, Sindri, and Hollmén, Jaakko
    In International Conference on Discovery Science, 2022
    EpidRLearn: Learning Intervention Strategies for Epidemics with Reinforcement Learning
    Bampa, Maria, Fasth, Tobias, Magnússon, Sindri, and Papapetrou, Panagiotis
    In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2022


    Sindri Magnússon, Associate Professor
    distributed optimization, reinforcement learning, federated learning, IoT/CPS
    Guilherme Dinis Chaliane Jr
    learning dynamic multi-agent environments (Spotify)
    Jonathan Piller
    dynamic complex digital networks (Spotify)
    Ali Beikmohammadi
    efficient federated learning in complex networks
    Shubham Vaishnav
    reinforcement learning, federated learning, fog and edge networks optimization
    Mohsen Amiri
    reinforcement learning, federated learning, distributed optimization