Natural language processing


Particular focus is given on Natural Language Processing with emphasis on efficient and resource lean methods for language modeling (e.g., predictive keyboards), text generation and classification (e.g, from radiograph to diagnostic text), as well as information extraction (e.g., toxic spans detection). Particular emphasis is given on language technology applied on medical texts, to extract accurate and relevant information from very large clinical text sets. The latter is performed in close collaboration with the clinical text mining group.

Latest publications

  • Automotive fault nowcasting with machine learning and natural language processing
    Pavlopoulos, John, Romell, Alv, Curman, Jacob, Steinert, Olof, Lindgren, Tony, Borg, Markus, and Randl, Korbinian
    Machine Learning, 2023
    Customized Neural Predictive Medical Text: A Use-Case on Caregivers
    Pavlopoulos, John, and Papapetrou, Panagiotis
    In Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME), 2021
    Clinical Predictive Keyboard using Statistical and Neural Language Modeling
    Pavlopoulos, John, and Papapetrou, Panagiotis
    In International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2020
    Medical Image Tagging by Deep Learning and Retrieval
    Kougia, Vasiliki, Pavlopoulos, John, and Androutsopoulos, Ion
    In International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European Languages, 2020
    A Survey on Biomedical Image Captioning
    Kougia, Vasiliki, Pavlopoulos, John, and Androutsopoulos, Ion
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.13302, 2019
    Convai at semeval-2019 task 6: Offensive language identification and categorization with perspective and bert
    Pavlopoulos, John, Thain, Nithum, Dixon, Lucas, and Androutsopoulos, Ion
    In Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 2019
    A Survey on Biomedical Image Captioning
    Pavlopoulos, John, Kougia, Vasiliki, and Androutsopoulos, Ion
    In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Shortcomings in Vision and Language, 2019


    John Pavlopoulos
    machine learning for natural language processing, applications to healthcare and education
    Korbinian Randl
    text classification, explainability in NLP, food risk prediction